Friday, September 25, 2009

Breathe Easy

My post this week is up over at Design Sponge. Come check it out and learn about growing fresh air. 

Have a lovely weekend! Mine will be spent whipping up homemade dairy recipes, playing host to my lovely and amazing Atlanta-based friends Jen and Jon (who I am stealthily working towards relocating next door to me), and celebrating the glorious birth of my dear, magical, gracious, and delightful editor and best bubby ever, Nicole


  1. Aww, shucks!

    And I'm hoping you meant buddy, as bubby means something else entirely!

  2. Nope, I meant bubby. Witness: It's a term of endearment, and is way better than the prosaic "buddy."

  3. Wishing a lovely weekend, back at you. :-)

  4. I LOVE houseplants. Not only do they clean the air, they look beautiful, and make a home look vibrant.
