Monday, July 19, 2010

Auntie Love

As I mentioned yesterday, my sisters were absolute workhorses (along with G.) during their visit. They moved all of the furniture out of what will be Nugget's room (it was our guest room), moved all sorts of things around in the office/additional guest room, and painted the nursery.

The paint we chose was "Globe Artichoke" from Olympic Paint. A zero VOC paint, it was pretty amazing to become conspicuously aware of the complete lack of odor as my sisters painted. Having painted many a room in my life, and suffered through can after can of noxiously scented paint, I can't recommend this product enough.

The color could best be described as a sort of fresh, mossy green, perfect for the outdoorsy nature theme we're going with. We left the trim a deep cocoa and the ceiling a mushroomy-taupe. Now all it needs is a crib, a rocking chair, a chest of drawers, a changing table, a mobile, a play table and tiny chairs....

Thanks, aunties. Glenn and I appreciate all of your efforts more than you can possibly know (and thanks, G., for later painting the floor!). Nugget is one lucky little feller.


  1. That paint is amazing, isn't it? Mu husband insisted on it when we were painting our nursery and I was clueless about paint VOC's. I had also been used to the paint smell and was used to it.
    This paint is wonderful - no smell!!!

  2. Looks great!!! Love your color choice.

  3. Neat! When my wife & I have a place to paint, I'll have to see if I can find that.

  4. What a great color and that paint sounds fantastic.
