Friday, July 30, 2010

Herbal Sun Teas & Simple Syrups

Happy Friday, everyone! My "Small Measures with Ashley" post is up on Design Sponge. This week I wax rhapsodic over the ease and incomparable flavor made possible through herbal sun teas and simple syrups. Pictured above on our porch railing are: (from left to right) thyme & lemon, rosemary, pineapple sage & fresh ginger, and peppermint & bee balm sun teas. See what's growing in your yard or available at your local farmer's market and set some tea of your own to sun-shining!

I'm so excited today! In just a few short hours, I'll be on a plane to Tampa to visit with my father, sisters, my father's wife, and a whole mess of other family members and friends. Pops has rented a gargantuan home in Palm Coast, just south of St Augustine, which we'll load into the car and drive to tomorrow.

We all camped out there last year, as well, and I'm hoping this year proves to be a repeat all of the lazy river floating, pool-side lounging, novel reading, ice cream-eating, delicious meal-cooking, frozen beverage-imbibing (sans hooch, this year!), ocean-gazing, nap-taking, silly film-watching, board game-playing, sister-chatting, porch-rocking, and other goodness that occurred then.

Sadly, G. won't be going with me, as our much loved friend, and long-time house-sitter, crossed coasts this week to set up house in California. With 5 geriatric cats, 2 young dogs, 4 hens, and 2 beehives to attend to, one of us had to stay. So, I'm heading out today, while G. will travel next Friday to Dallas for 5 days of cutthroat word-smithing at the National Scrabble competition.

Have a great weekend, all!


  1. National Scrabble competition?? I didn't even know they had such things! That's so adorably nerdy and awesome!

  2. Have a wonderful time!! I'm gonna go check out your post on Design Sponge right now...

  3. just got your Keeping Chickens book from the library and I am in love! We got 6 chicks in April and they are one of the best decisions we have ever made...such fun! can't wait to crawl into bed tonight and enjoy the book and am off to take a peek around your lovely looking blog.

  4. I love the idea of herbal sun teas -- I have lemon balm coming out of my ears here in Philly. You have a beautiful blog. Just stumbled across it, but now I'm a fan. Cheers to you!

  5. I love tea and didn't realize you can make some this way. This is awesome idea. I'll tell hubby about it. Thank you!

