Friday, August 13, 2010

Homemade Housewarming Baskets

Hi friends. My "Small Measures with Ashley" post is up today on Design Sponge. This week I'm talking about making homemade housewarming gift baskets for those loved ones on the move this summer.

I picked up unbound copies (referred to as "lasers" in publishing world-ease) of the fourth book in my "Homemade Living" series, "Keeping Bees" (Lark Crafts, March 2011), on Tuesday. I've been steadily looking it over since, inserting additions, making corrections, and just generally ogling it. It's truly lovely. All of the books are. I've been so satisfied with the creative team at Lark. All I did was supply the words and they actualized everything else. Great talent in this publishing house, that's for certain! Closer to pre-sale time, I'll be offering up a sneak peek of the book. I guarantee you'll love it!

In a few hours, I'll be hopping out to pick up a bag of chicken feed and then stop by the midwives' office for a visit. I'm 28 1/2 weeks, so, after this visit, I'll go from monthly check-ups to seeing the ladies of New Dawn every two weeks. Closer to Nugget's arrival, that will change to every week. On September 14th, Hubs and I begin home birth classes. While I've been reading and researching and learning as much as I can, it will be so reassuring as a novice parent to get a first-hand tutorial on what lies ahead.

Have a wonderful weekend, whatever you end up doing! We're having Hubs' exquisite fried chicken for dinner, which is bathing in a buttermilk & smoked paprika brine as I type this. Ever since Nugget made me crave poultry for the first time in 14 years, I can't get enough of it, and this fried chicken is part of what fires the flames of my devotion!


  1. Congratulations on your new book and on choosing a homebirth for your first! I wish I had been able to think further outside the box with my first child, whom I had at a birth center. My son's homebirth was soooo much more satisfying. Enjoying your blog,

  2. I love the ladies at New Dawn! Quinci, the office manager, is a wonderful woman. :) While you are there, ask about the fair they are doing this fall...maybe sit up out on the lawn with your books? I'll be there with my honey.

    ~Amber (the pixie's pocket)

  3. I loved your post and wonderful ideas. Can you be a friend, or a neighbor that would be so kind to give us a lovely gift such as these?? :)

  4. what a beautiful visual you have presented. ashley i think this is one of your most lovely posts writing-wise. while we've only been blogger friends, i feel blessed to 'know' you and think this little nugget is one lucky kiddo! and the paprika...hollly moly. good hub.

  5. aww, thanks aimee. i love stuff like this, so writing it was a cinch. i truly appreciate your words!

  6. can't WAIT for the new book!

    and also--as a labor & delivery nurse turned homebirth advocate & doula---i want you to know that, even though you're a first time parent, the fact that you are already so ready and willing to learn, will be more than enough of what you need to get started.

    love and ambition. the rest will take care of itself :)

  7. I've been a fan of yours for a while. We had our baby girl at home six weeks ago today and it was the most amazing experience. We also participated in a birth class, and we gained some amazing relationships. One of the moms donated milk to us when mine didn't come in at first. We knew nothing about babies, and the advice I would give is to start going to your local la leche league meetings to gain some insight BEFORE baby comes. I wish I had, as feeding has been a little tough for us.

    you are definitely on the right path, you will love your birth. best wishes to you and can't wait to hear more about your experiences, they are magical.
    do not let anyone try to scare you, it is the best thing for you and baby.

  8. I've been going through your Canning & Preserving book and LOVE it :) I've wanted to can for years, and between your book and a sweet lady from church offering to help, I've finally made the leap from freezer canning to "real" canning. Did peaches on Monday, and hope to do your recipe for tomato-basil sauce before the week is over. Thanks for being an inspiration! :)

  9. Do you have a book that discusses anything about growing herbs, greens, or other vegetables in the winter? I have this CRAZY idea of growing in the winter as the next step beyond my summer garden and getting our fresh produce from a community garden. Let me tell ya, I had to draw a line in the sand when I saw garlic in the grocery store grown in China and oranges from Israel. I'm in the US, by the way.

  10. paths in clay-no, i don't have a book (yet!) on that topic, but it's one that's near and dear to my heart. might i suggest "four-season harvest" by eliot coleman: he's based out of maine and, well, if you can garden in maine all year long, you can garden anywhere! hope this helps!

  11. congratulations on your new book! I'll be looking for Keeping Bees to day dream of my future in beekeeping!
