Friday, April 8, 2011

(Non)-Consuming Fiction

A big shout out of love and thanks is due to Katy over at The Non-Consumer Advocate. She sent this sweet little package of children's fiction (that belonged to her own boys when they were wee!) to Huxley. They're penned by no less than Ursula K. Le Guin, the science-fiction legend.

Thank you so very much, Katy. Can't wait to start reading these to Huxley!


  1. Oooh. Great gift! Gotta love books!

  2. One of my favourite series ever! I gave my copies away when I was 15 and too cool for my kids books, and now I'm sorry...

  3. I read both your blogs, and I loved the Catwings books when I was little! I feel so connected!!! Great gift.

  4. I'm happy to hear that the books arrived. They're great books, and there's a great illustration to look at on every page, so they're great for young readers.



  5. Awesome! I think it's best to start 'em on their love of the written word early. I like to this my early days of Seseme Street read-alongs have turned me into the reader I am today. Well, just with less pictures and more words. ;)
