Friday, July 13, 2012


Happy Friday, friends! I don't know where you live, but it's been raining like the building of arks is in order for three days straight here. Which is just fine by me. The garden needs it, the water tables require it, and this cool-weather-loving-lady adores it.

It's been an amazing week. Busy, but amazing. My sisters just left about 30 minutes ago. I'm always so excited when they come, and so bereft when they leave. I love having people in our home. Playing hostess is one of my greatest joys. And they are so imminently helpful, folding laundry, sweeping floors, changing diapers-all without solicitation. Plus, they play with my hair, and there are few things I love more than having someone play with my hair.

Best of all, though, they got me a super generous gift card to Terrain for my birthday. Oh, yes. As though that wasn't enough, they sent Hubs and I out on a date to see Moonrise Kingdom (So. Good.) last night, our first movie date together since I was pregnant! Oh, sisters. You're simply the best. You always, always bring the awesome.

I don't have a What I'm Digging round-up for you this week, I'm sorry to say. You see, I was too busy doing this week to do much in the way of digging. And that's actually a good thing, to get away from the laptop and be out in the world; that's really quite good for me.

Instead of directing you towards a smattering of my interests this week, I thought I'd mention one specific event, happening tomorrow. National Can-It-Forward Day, sponsored by the good folks at Jarden (the brand behind Ball and Kerr canning equipment and ingredients), takes place all day. Whether you visit in person (out in East Indiana), or watch the variety of how-to canning videos they'll be streaming all day, you're bound to hone your canning chops. Do check it out, or, better yet, host a home canning party of your own!

I also wanted to share my Small Measures post on Design Sponge with you. It's all about treating sunburn with homemade remedies. We've all been there-red, crispy, blistered, and miserable. Here's what I do when I'm feeling the burn.

Wherever you go this weekend, whatever you do, and whomever you do it with, may it be grand!


  1. So happy to hear you are finally getting some rain! yAY!!

  2. Yay for rain! And Terrain! I live about 20 minutes from Terrain. It's a very addictive store!
