Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Recession-Proof Pasta!

Like pasta? Like saving money? Hate wasting food? Me, too, to all of it.

Here's a little wallet-friendly and delicious technique we employ chez English when we've a glut of pasta left-overs: we put 'em in a frittata.

Simply whisk together some eggs and a bit of milk, add the pasta, put the whole concoction in a buttered/oiled ovenproof saucepan, and cook over medium heat until the filling is set. Next, scatter some cheese of your choosing over the top, place the pan under the lowest broil setting of your oven and cook until the cheese is golden-brown. Allow the pan to cool slightly and then slice wedges, plate them and serve.

That's it. Easy on the taste buds and the benjamins. 


Joe and Jill said...

This looks great! We're having this for dinner tonight!

Cat K. said...

I only have one problem with this recipe... we never have pasta leftovers at our house! Make pasta = eat pasta. But I would consider whipping some up just to try this.

Indio said...

Crunchy pasta is delicious. You can't always sink your teeth into pasta and get those teeth working, even when it is cooked "to the tooth."

Allison said...

Great idea, I'd forgotten about this. I think there's some cold pasta in the fridge that could use a home...

Melissa said...

Ahhh...I love this!

Elaine said...

This looks super good! May have to make pasta just for this:))

Ngo Family Farm said...

Brilliant! Our chickens won't be happy, though--they love eating our leftover noodles ;)

Unknown said...

I'm from Portugal, and my mother used to make these. We called it a tortilla from the Spanish dish because it's the same basic ingredients (only the tortilla is potatoe based rather than pasta based). She used to add chopped parsley and bits of bacon or meat sausage. I was well into my adulthood (if only I can say I'm already there now) when I've realised this was a leftover dish!!!