Friday, July 29, 2011

The Haul

Picked all this goodness from the garden yesterday. Patty pan, crookneck and zucchini summer squashes, lemon and pickling cukes, and loads of tomatoes, in assorted and sundry varietals and sizes. About to put in my fall garden, too.

Looks like we'll be eating fine for some time to come!

*That's echinacea flowering in the background. I plan to dig up the roots this coming autumn and turn them into a tincture for English winter wellness.


Carissa said...

Lovely! I've got zucchini coming out my ears, cukes ripening up, but only green tomatoes. :( Takes them so long here in the PNW!

Anonymous said...

Looks delicious! What are you putting in your fall dirt? I am so jealous of your echinacea - I could not get mine to grow no matter where I planted them...

nicole said...

Fantastic! I'm still waiting for my bumper crop of tomatoes to come in. Picked my first red and yellow babies this week, but everything else still looks green.

Kelly said...

nice haul! gorgeous tomatoes too - we are still waiting for ours to come in :)

Indio said...

That is quite a haul of healthy goodness. This time of year I enjoy eating tomatoes until I can almost get tired of them. As if that could ever happen...

erinz451 said...

Awesome! Curious, what do you plant in your fall garden? I would love to know =]

elisa said...


joining the chorus of 'what's in your fall garden?' x!

i am envious, having left my garden behind for the summer. i'm hoping i won't be too late to put some things in for autumn and winter - but i did plant some broccolini for next year already! we'll see if the deer have had it. x

ashley english said...

for those of you that asked, the fall/winter garden will include: cabbage, brussels sprouts, parsnips, celery, broccoli (maybe-we don't eat a ton of broccoli), spinach, lettuces, beets, carrots, turnips, kale, chard, collards, mustard greens, and potatoes. i've been mad crazy busy with wrapping us this new book, so i'll be planting both purchased transplants (from a local nursery that uses organic potting mix) and direct seeds.

Melissa said...

What a beautiful harvest! And all in one day?! Fantastic!

Good luck with your fall/winter garden! When will you plant? I'm waiting to put mine in until mid-late August...the heat has just been too brutal for anything to germinate!