Saturday, December 31, 2011

Blood, Sweat and Years

The new year holds some exciting writing projects in store for me. I'll have a column in a debut quarterly magazine that is, for now, top secret. I can't even begin to tell you how pumped I am about it. Sorry to be so mysterious, but, trust me, it'll be worth the wait. Look for more details this spring...

I'm also penning a monthly column, titled "English Lessons" (trust me, I'm aware of just how cheeky it is; I didn't come up with it, but I'm not opposed to it either...) in Western N.C.-based Verve magazine. My first column is up today and details my very personal return to eating meat. Each column will discuss some hurdle, issue, or personal challenge I've faced, and how I dealt with it. I'm not suggesting everyone do as I do; I'm just putting out there what happened to me. I don't believe in one-size-fits-all solutions. I'm just chatting about mine.

I hope you enjoy this new writing venture!


Stacy said...

Awesome! Congrats on the new projects! And I love the picture! :) Happy New Year! xo

Jen said...

I look forward to reading them!

Kathleen said...

Congrats on the new projects! My mother-in-law gave me your "Home Dairy" book for Christmas and I am very excited to tackle some of the recipes. I already make our yogurt and have always wanted to try my hand at cheese-making. The book is so beautifully photographed and down-to-earth. :)

Anonymous said...

Great article - and congrats on the new writing projects!

elaine said...

COngrates on your new projects Ashley. What a great article. I look forward to reading more:))Happy New Year!!!

Sophie - The Joy of Farming said...

Very much looking forward to the new magazine! If you're writing for it, I have a feeling it'll be right up my alley... Congrats & Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new projects - I'm really looking forward to seeing the results in the new year. It sounds like you're off to a flying start - I hope it's a great one for you!

Melissa said...

Happy 2012! Congratulations on your new projects! I look forward to reading them and hearing more about them as they arise :-) CHEERS!

Sarah said...

Congrats on the new projects - looks like 2012 is going to be a great year!!

Sarah from The House That Ag Built

Miss Minty said...

I'm looking forward to hearing more about the quarterly gig. And any news about whether you'll return to Design Sponge for the Small Measures column?

mandi said...

Oh! What fun new adventures!

I really appreciated your article on meat eating. I have slowly worked my way back to eating meat as well after nearly starving my pituitary gland. I didn't know any better! I mean, how could someone juicing carrots every day be malnourished??? But I was, severely. Anyway, thanks for a great article.

Mamawolf said...

Congratulations on all of your new projects! I'm sure that 2012 will be a very exciting and fulfilling year for you. I enjoyed reading your piece on your return to meat. I am nearly a lifelong vegetarian (been veggi since I was twelve), but am currently eating meat due to extreme anemia in my third pregnancy. I am well below acceptable iron levels for our planned homebirth and it just keeps dropping. So... little bits of red meat hidden in other foods it is for the time being. I doubt it will be an eating habit that I stick with post birth, but I still really appreciated reading your article and your personal point of view. Thank you for sharing!
I wish you and yours all the very best in this exciting upcoming year!!!

Michele said...

can't wait to see what this year brings ashley!!!

happy new year!

This is My Life said...

I just read our article. I recently switched from a vegetarian to meat eater. It happened the same way. After 14 years I started craving meat and I listened. I ony eat wild game or organic, grass fed, free range, but I love it. I felt it was the right thing to do for my brain and I was right! Thanks for the article.