Saturday, October 29, 2011

My Morning View

Some mornings out here in the cove, the view is positively breathtaking. Today is one such day.

Dazzling foliage in every direction. Fog and mist moving across the mountains in the background. Muted bits of blue sky peeking in through the clouds. Gorgeous.

The cherry on top is the fine looking pastry specimen pictured last. It's one of Dave's exquisite Apple Croissants from his bakery, Farm & Sparrow. Buttery, flaky pastry cradles local apples that are baked into caramelized perfection. Paired with a mug of hot cardamom coffee=a very happy mama.

We're in full-throttle party mode, as Huxley's "Wild Things" soiree kicks off at 4 p.m. Lots of photos to come.

Wherever you are, friends, whatever you do, may it be grand!


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Just gorgeous! Have a wonderful party!

EcoGrrl said...

good god i liked the leaves but then, the pastry....oohlalalalaaa

Michele said...


have a happy party huxley!

Melissa said...

The leaves...the croissant...the festivities...absolutely fantastic! Can't wait to see the Wild Things party pics!

El Gaucho said...

Very lovely pictures indeed and an awesome looking croissant. I would definitely eat one of those for a Sunday morning breakfast.

Unknown said...

i'm jealous.

last year i moved from a wooded paradise on the other side of town and in order to be closer to things. Now i live downtown - my morning view are the crazy people in the crazy-person home across the street and lots of motor vehicles.... i'm jealous.

Ngo Family Farm said...

Stunning! Happy birthday, Huxley :)

Nicole@Rare Bird said...

Gorgeous! Have a great party!

elisa said...

glorious x