Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Your New Favorite Thing

Welcome to my new addiction. Pumpkin spice lattes. Oh, yes.

They're incredibly easy to whip up. Well, let me qualify that; you're going to need a pot to steam the milk, sugar and pumpkin in, some coffee (I use my french press for brewing), and another mixing bowl for whipping heavy cream and powdered sugar in. That said, they're easy enough to concoct, and use ingredients you're likely to already have on hand.

I used The Kitchn's recipe as the basis, and then tinkered with things, namely the amounts and type of spices used. You can use either fresh pumpkin puree or canned. The sky is the limit.

Welcome to what will undoubtedly become your new favorite thing. You're welcome.


Unknown said...

Funny you say this. I found a similar recipe for ices pumpkin lattes and I cannot get enough of them. I think I am making them daily. It's become a serious addiction!

Wolfie and the Sneak said...

The Apartment Therapy site is down right now, but the idea of a latte w/ real pumpkin sounds amazing. I got a Starbucks one and they just use pumpkin flavored syrup...yuck. Not what I was looking for.

Adrienne Audrey said...

Love the mug!

Elaine said...

oh YEs! I will be making this!

Kasey said...

Yum! I totally need to try making these at home!

Michelle said...

Wish you would post the recipe how you make it so we can try it your way. Love the mug.

Michele said...

Ok Ashley, not kidding I LOVE these things. And I have made 3, yes 3 FAILED attempts of them at home. (I've been trying "clean" versions, and they are not cuttin it.)
Please Pumkin Spice Latte fairies, let this one be it.

And thanks Ashley!

Little Home In The Country said...

OH that looks SO incredibly delicious... and fall"ish", and comforting, and decadent.... YUM!

Melissa said...

This will be made as quickly as possible!!!