Which is why Building Country Comforts is so handy. A reissued combination of two books authors Robert Inwood and Christian Bruyère penned in the 1970's, this book has it all. Rife with ideas, you'll find something in here no matter the size of your property, just as we have. From wood furnaces to composting toilets, if you've got some land, this book has something for you. And, yours truly wrote the forward. I was approached by an editor at Sterling Books this past summer asking if I might be interested in providing some introductory text for the book. Given its subject matter, I leapt at the offer.
And, as the forward author, I was given several complimentary copies of Building Country Comforts, one of which I'd love to bestow on a small measure reader. So, to enter, just tell me about a building project you'd like to do. It could be terracing your hillside (that's mine, along with building an outdoor cedar hot tub/sauna and a treehouse for Huxley), or creating a compost bin or erecting a chicken coop or making a pizza oven. Or something smaller, like making a bookshelf for your own growing collection of homesteading books, or a spice rack, for all the delicious herbs and spices you've been collecting. Anything, really. I'll leave the contest open until next Monday, the 9th, at midnight EST. Go try your hand, at winning, and at building something! Hubs and I will assuredly be doing the same!
If we get the house we're bidding on in mid-May, I'd love to do some raised beds for gardening, and maybe a small greenhouse! It's sometimes hard to garden up here in AK, but I want to try!
All of the above :)... My husband and I have built a spice rack, shelves, and some furniture, and hopefully soon we will be adding chicken coop, compost bin/pile, and pizza oven to that list!
We are currently working on making raised beds and replacing the rotting deck in our back yard. We may decide to do something other than a deck, but really are at a loss for ideas.
I'd love to have this book, if only for dreaming purposes!
I've got a 3-compartment compost bin in the works, somewhere between "sort of started" and halfway finished. It would get done sooner but for my stubborn desire to only use hand powered tools. For some reason there's so much more satisfaction in building something with nary a power tool, even though it may take 10 times longer.
I was suppose to start my raised beds tomorrow but took a bad fall yesterday morning. A cane and air cast do not make good companions when it comes to building anything. =(
I would love to learn more about building a chicken coop or maybe raised beds! :)
Deborah Granick
We're trying to settle on a stealthy chicken coop design right now. I think I might try to make it look like a doghouse and run to disguise the real purpose!
Oh this would be helpful, we're moving in a little while to a place that will have some yard. Thanks for the giveaway!
A green house of sorts and hopefully a chicken coop at some point.
So...apartment living isn't super conducive to construction projects. That said, we've already completed our bookshelf/turntable/media unit from pine boards and bricks collected from a 150-year-old chimney of a house that was being demolished! Our next project is hanging shelves in our kitchen windows so we have more surfaces to grow herbs on.
I'd love to build a compost box. Just getting started with the whole gardening thing, and I'd love to be able to build up a cache of nutrients for my plants. :)
I would love to build, we'll I would love my husband to build, and little chicken coop, and greenhouse/gardening shed.
I'd love to build some raised beds and some planters.
There's so much we'd love to do - and more that we'd actually undertake if we weren't renting (prices are a bit high in the DC metro area, so that might be a few years), but one day, there will be a chicken coop, and lots of garden stuff... in the meantime, we've been limited to constructing our own compost bins and indoor-grow setup for early seed-starting...
We're in the process of building a stanchion/headgate for our water buffalo. Some day I hope we can get around to rebuilding the old chicken coop on the property. It needs a new floor, better ventilation, and loads of critter-proofing.
I need more bookshelves, never seem to have enough. Next bigger project will be a chicken coop as the city is in the process of changing the rules and I will be able to have a few in the back yard. Yea!
I'd love to build a chicken chalet and cold frames or a greenhouse. Thanks for sharing!
Our next task is to terrace the garden for the strawberry and asparagus patches. I also want to make a mobile coop for the turkeys which will be arriving in two weeks.
We are excited to build our own composting toilet and compost bin sometime in the next few months. This book looks like an invaluable resource!
I would love to build that pizza oven they featured in Mother Earth News last year. But this year I will probably have to settle for a few tomato trellis.
My husband is in the middle of building us a chicken coop, and built a compost bin last summer. We are starting plans for a green house now. And, I'm going to as my dad to build me a birdhouse.
I'd like to build a greenhouse and a compost bin. Thanks for the chance!
I would love a coffee table or more bookshelves!
I would love to build some sort of shade/trellis/patio cover that I could let our grapes grow up the side of. Living shade!! Neato!
Stephanie :)
Cold Frames! Every year I think "this is the year" but alas it hasn't happened yet. Also shelving for all my canned goods in the basement! I would love to go down there and see it all organized.
We're working on a loft remodel (for our boys' room) right now :)
Next on the list, we'd like to finish the treehouse and build the duck house and bee hives. Hopefully the greenhouse next year. The list never ends! Thanks so much, Ashley.
I have my sights set on building a chicken coop eventually, but right now (since I can't have chickens) I have my eye on some raised beds and a tiered plant stand for out on the patio.
More raised beds. I love the ones we (my hubby) built last year. :)
We're going to be building a water feature in our garden for the entertainment of our 2-year-old!
We're planning on making a chicken coop for our new chicks and a rabbit hutch this summer!
Thanks for the giveaway :)
I'd like to make compost bins!
I think the next project will be a vertical garden... So I'm sure there will be building of some sort in the near future....LOL!
a treehouse and outdoor oven are on our list....there is always a project in the works here and more info is always welcome!
I'm helping my mom built a chicken coop in her backyard so that we can get her some chickies! She had chickens as a kid and all of my rattling on about homestead convinced her to try her hand at them again. I even bought your book for her! I live in an apartment in Boston and she lives on acreage in Maine so I do a lot of living vicariously through her land ;) I can't wait to befriend the birds and eat their amazing fresh eggs.
I've been meaning to make a little 'greenhouse' for all the seedlings I have coming up. I made a tiny little seedling 'hot box'for them to germinate in (and they are doing fantastic), but they will outgrow that soon enough and need something bigger. I use chicken wire and try to salvage scrap plastic at the supermarket that would otherwise get thrown out (even though the people who work there think I am incredibly weird.)
I want to make a coat rack- or a rack for damp bike clothes that my husband generates on a daily basis. I'd love to use stripped saplings with branches as hooks. Then... maybe I'll attempt to make a bed frame or at least a headboard.
I love books such as this because we don't know this stuff anymore, you know? Cool giveaway, thanks for the chance to enter. :) I'm actually about to begin building my own little cabin. Out of cob. By myself. (I'm a 30-something, single gal.) Talk about building projects!
What we're not building might be a shorter list.
Chicken coop, side porch, foot bridge and shutters.
Easy peasy. : )
Ooooh, a pizza oven! Now you have me dreaming...
Eventually a chicken coop. Sooner than that, more raised beds, a big trellis, and maybe some kind of compartmentalized compost bin.
Is this open to Canadians too? I hope so!
I plan on building a greenhouse in our new yard of the new (to us) house we just bought! We've already bought a chicken coop and get our first chicks on Friday! Also, with the boards of the fence that is falling over, I plan on building a coffee table and maybe a potting bench.
Sounds like a fantastic book!
My next dream project is a greenhouse, and my husband's is a firepit/grill. :) Now we just need the property to build it on... lol
An awesome giveaway!! I am dreaming about building the perfect sewing worktable with a big space for cutting and all sorts of little shelves and nooks for bits and bobs. It'll happen! :)
raised beds and a cold frame for my yet to be known eventual property. i can't wait to have my own place to flourish.
We are going to make the solar food dehydrator we read about in mother earth news :)
We bought our first home, a 1923 'bungalow' in Black Mountain, about a year ago and have been working on projects ever since. Most recently we added a woodshed, chicken coop, raised beds, new windows, a 14 foot bookshelf across our living room, and enclosed on old screened back porch to function as a mudroom. We are wanting to build an outdoor bread/pizza oven very much, as well as add a deck with a wood fired hot tub, set up our rain barrels (would've been handy tonight) and uncover the old wood floor in the kitchen. Should keep us busy for a while! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity~
endless... wish i had tons of land at home to do more but am doing some things at work!
Would love to make 1/2 our shed into a chicken coop, we are working on raise beds, would love to build a brick grill/bread oven and some cold frames. Oh, and a fence so that our dog will stop jumping over our current one. The list goes on and on. Looks like a wonderful book!
Thanks for the great giveaway!
Sara (at) gallaugher (dot) net
A chicken coop is our next endeavor...hopefully soon, as I would love to start raising chickens. We're also set to start putting in permaculture bed--which isn't technically building but is still part of the same homesteading drive.
I would love to construct an arbor to shade one of our southern windows and to provide support for some muscadines.
A cold frame to extend lettuce season is my dream... and one that will have to wait until we don't live in an apartment. For now, another bookshelf would definitely help!
We're putting in raised garden beds, and I'd like to build some cold frames (I have the old windows) as well as a riser for a rainwater collection bin. My list is longer than that but I'll stop now lol. Thanks for the chance to win this interesting book! asthenight at gmail dot com
I'm in the midst of constructing a chicken coop, which I'm inventing as I go along. I do need to construct a new shed, I would love this book to make sure it is a more "conformist" shed than my decidedly un-square (but level and plumb) chicken coop is!
This place is a regular job site right now! There are windows leaning against the back of the house that will become cold frames and on vacation next week I hope to be either building or buying and putting together a coop, if the weather cooperates. :) Instructions sure would come in handy though...I honestly am making this up as I go along.
My kids want a tree house and a zip line. My wife wants some more raised beds. I want a detached garage for all the "stuff" that doesn't fit into our garage. The chicken coop and run are done. The guinea coop is done. Rain barrels are done. Composting bin is done. Lots of stuff done, and lots to go.
We are in the process of building a wonderful chicken coop...from 100 year old reclaimed lumber from a chicken coop his great grandfather had standing that we had to tear down for safety reasons (young kids around old buildings) So we dream of a hoop house, and raised beds and other wonderful things in the months ahead, this is the best way to live :) thanks for offering this cool book :)
We are planning a move to Colorado in the next couple months to our dream farm, and once we get the horses and donkeys set up, we are going to build a "Chicken Moat". It is a garden with a chicken run and house around the outside. I saw it in MEN and have been so excited to build one!
I need to build a compost bin in the next few days, but I dream of a Root Cellar. :D
Dh is looking to build another bookcase; we are all out of room.
I have several building projects to take care of this spring. First and foremost, a play yard and weather resistant run for my new Angora rabbits coming this Saturday! I'm having their hutch built by a pro - that's a little beyond my skill level. Next, repairing my 5 year old raised beds. And third, dare I say last? Some closet shelves to store cheese presses, wine making equipment, etc. I better get to it!
I planted 6 concord grape plants last year, and after a year of leaving them be, I really need to build them a trellis.
We have some finishing touches to put on the hen house which was constructed last fall when we decided (last minute) to keep chickens over the winter. Just put together two raised beds, and a better compost bin system is in the works. More fencing is going in and a double gate to the veggie garden is also in the budget for this summer!
We hoping to build another compost bin this summer!
Our chicken coop could use a few more levels of raccoon protection and I really need to build them a run to keep them out of my garden. Any hints on that would be great!
Time for a new trellis for the clematis that climbs up and over my kitchen window. I'll make it from branches pruned from the old apple tree we're attempting to revive. Oh how nice to look up from doing dishes and see those big, purple blossoms!
Sounds like a great book! My next project is a simple garden fence. I just moved to the apartment next door and now i have a yard! I'd also like to build a cold frame and a bean trellis.
We want to build a rolling compost that is off the ground and consists of a barrel that you can turn to mix.
be sure to post pics of the blueberry "protector". We also have 12 bushes and put up netting to protect from birds. We love DIY books
Oh gosh, my list is so long. We just had a fence-building work party this past weekend, so we've got those mostly done (I'll be building a garden gate this week to finish). So, next on the list are a new chicken coop (and renovating the old one into a little guest cottage) and a "patio" space in our new garden and a big table for the center of it.
A wood-fired hot tub has been on my Want list for years, but it might still be a while before I get one.
My husband and I have done quite a number of things, big and small, at our home, but now it's time for a compost bin. This book sounds wonderful.
We have been inspired by your windows turned cold frame and are actually in the middle of building a large greenhouse out of windows my wife found on Craigslist. Thanks for the idea!
We live in a rented apartment in a house, but hubs just finished laying a new patio with second hand stones and creating beds for vegetables in the tangles of weeds... it's small, but it's going to be great!
We are trying to do a lot with the little land we have here in town - raised beds from old pallets, coop for our chickens we hope to have in 4 weeks - and don't forget the flower boxes. Sweet hubby has already made our kitchen table repurposed from my great grandmothers ailing table, daughter's bedframe and birdhouse.
My building projects are all inside ones - oh, apartment living. I have plans for a bookshelf, desk and bedframe/headboard. Also a blackboard and shelving for all my craft stuff. The treehouse, chicken coop, raised beds and greenhouse are still far away dreams at this point!
Moving back to Maine from North Carolina (my husband is getting out of the USMC) we are starting from scratch so we need to build MANY of the things you listed. First on the list, of course, is a compost bin, followed closely by a chicken coop and raised beds. Phew, it sounds daunting but I can't wait!
hmmm....where to start? we have so many projects on our list! which all might be on hold since we may be moving this summer. but if we end up staying here, the first thing on our list is an outdoor wood fired oven. i've been dreaming about it for years!
Chicken coop and a nice composting system. That's what I'll be building just as soon as ever we stop renting in the city!
I've got a LONG list of projects for our new house, as well as my father-in-law's cabin, but I think my big project this year will be building composters, raised beds, and a shed (which, if I get my way, will include a root cellar).
For now- composting bin and squirrel thwarting device for the lettuce beds.
For later- chicken coop, greenhouse and who knows what else!
We have a very expansive list that keeps growing! Here it is: an outdoor projector screen built from reclaimed materials for hosting movie nights under the stars; a chicken run; a stand for our 2 beehives; a chicken tractor; a cob bench; a cob oven; water catchment; a level outdoor work bench. One step at a time!
I've never had a herb garden but I'm starting one this spring. I don't have a big yard, but I've got some small planters and I'm really excited about growing some herbs for my growing love of cooking!
We're building more raised beds, a chicken coop and a picnic table. This book looks fabulous!
I just got your book, Keeping Chickens and love it, so what I want to to build it's a small chicken coop. I will love to get the book, because a bread oven is also in my future plans.
We are building a pig pen, next up raised beds. Would love to win! I have been enjoying your blog for some time now and just wanted to say thank you for such great info on your beautiful blog. :)
My next big project is a terraced stawberry bed. Finally found a dirt supplier who'll sell by the "scoopfull" aka cubic yard. instead of bags!
I need to build a dog-proof compost bin. My stupey dog Ranger keeps knocking the panels off of the one I am trying to use. The few things he won't eat, like leek tops, he proudly carries around the yard as play toys. I'm never going to have any compost at this rate!
I'd like to try to make another cold frame. I did something similar to you and used old windows last year, but they cracked quickly (and possibly maimed some curious squirrels). As soon as I can find a better glazing material, I'll probably build another one.
For the first time since we've been married, my husband and I are going to have a backyard! I can't wait to build a compost bin and some raised beds.
I'd like to build a garden house to keep my bee supplies in, along with gardening tools so my bees hives would be surrounded by beautiful flowers in various stages of bloom all summer. The garden house would protect the hives from prevailing winds also, and would be a pleasure to look upon from my kitchen window.
This weekend I'm going to try my hand at making one of those vertical garden planters out of an old pallet. I have so little space to garden in my new place that it'd be nice to use the walls as well. I wish my husband-to-be was more handy, but he inherited his father's lack of coordination! Ah, well. I secretly love being the handy one in this family. :)
--Rachel B.
(silverjade at gmail dot com)
I would love to get through a season with several meyer lemons from my tree.
I keep going back to this spice rack I want to build. I saw it in a Martha Stewart episode and I thought it was so simple and beautiful. For some reason (lack of power tools?) I still have not gotten around to doing it.
I look forward to building raised beds and (eventually) a chicken coop!
I would like to build an outdoor kitchen.....screened walls, tin roof, very rustic for canning outdoors. A bug proof (if there is such a thing) spot to preserve the harvest, spin the honey and dry some fruit without messing up my kitchen or heating up the house.
I want a laundry line, a nice one, with wooden poles and a pulley system! Thank you!
The next addition to our farm will be 3 guinea hens in about two weeks. We are currently building a house for them near our garden where they will, hopefully, eat up the bugs I spend so much time removing all summer. Thanks for the giveaway!
On my list of future projects are cold frames and a small potting shed. I've been collecting old windows for the cold frames for some time now. Thanks for the chance to win this book!
I would love to build some outdoor shelving so I could replace the plastic utility shelf that holds our pots and grilling equipment.
This book look fantastic! I'd love to build a compost bin and a small deck with planters and trellis for veggies and herbs. My husband is always coming up with some grand idea (hidden compartments in walls and floors).
We're moving in to our first house June 1st. We already have so many plans. Most importantly there will be the birthday chicken coop that my "hubs" has promised. We're also hoping to make some large bookshelves for my new craft room!
The book sounds great. Hopefully our library will get it in (they're finally getting your books, I just wish I could have waited for that...I had to buy them!)
I'd love to put up a chicken coop this summer and start my own little family of egg-layers. Or a series of small, matching, wall-mounted shelves for my essential oils.
Sounds like a fantastic book! I have grand plans to "build" grid-like cucumber and squash trellises out of branches/canes, and I'd also like to construct a root cellar this year.
I know in the past giveaways have been for US readers, but just in case this one can be sent to europe...
My family (husband + children of 3 and 7 months) and I are moving to rural Scotland this summer to begin a small croft there and this book would be inspirational!
okay, I'll keep my list small!
Pizza oven is at the top of that list; a raised bed for our strawberries that keep getting trampled and overtaken in the larger garden; small "patio" from recycled materials to go in front of said pizza oven; and a studio/shed...
I am actually going to try my hand at 2 things...the first is making a new computer desk (very basic) and the other is building a fence to go around my garden that is high enough to keep hungry deer out, but low enough so it doesn't look like I'm trying to hide something!
We want to build a rolling compost with a barrel that stays off the ground to keep animals away.
We want to build a rolling compost from a barrel that stays off the ground to keep animals away.
I'd like to build a deck with a screen porch to keep us from the monster bugs here, and maybe a bigger garden shed.
i would definitely love to terrace the little hill in front of our house. i also want to build a new compost bin, and an earth oven in the backyard.
oh, so many things on the list of building projects. We just moved to our land in November and then the snow started to fly. Just ordered my chicks today so we must get started pronto on the chicken coop! Other things, well there is the compost bin, raised beds, garden fence to deter the deer, contraptions to keep the animals out of the berries and apples, the list goes on and on and on...
Sounds like just what we need--reinforcing the chicken coop as we speak--coyote spotted. Just set grean bean seedlings out in the raised beds this weekend!
We're building a chicken coop in the next few months!
We are going to be building a bigger chicken coop. I went a little chick crazy this spring and then we were helping the Kindergarten & 6th grade Science classes with their embryology projects. We found a clutch of eggs the girls were hiding UNDER the chicken coop. So we hopefully will have another 12 chicks next week!
Another cold frame using an old window I have laying around, and I have alot of small trees and plants in potters that I'd love to figure out a neat homemade way to arrange/ shelve too! (which are now clumped in random areas in the garden..)
Heather, hmgrisso@gmail.com
Just when I think I'm almost finished I come up with something else to build/make. Here's the current list
Convert shed into workshop
Build solar oven to cook outdoors and keep house cooler this summer
Install thermal hot water system
Build and Set up compost tea system
build solar food dehydrator
Order 2nd bee hive to be prepared for any swarming that might happen
Build lean to because cold frames are too small
Build hoops to install over raised beds for this Fall
I'm sure I can add more to the list for this summer.
The "to-do" list is long! This weekend we are going to be buying supplies to enlarge the chicken coop. Then I have to try to figure out how to build a rabbit hutch for my daughters. And since I just found some old windows I'd love to figure out how to make a cold frame planter.
My lovely wife and I are farminizing a quater acre of Portland Maine. I am a cheapo fa-mah and have a love for the hard way of doing things. I have embraced her want for a geodesic dome for a winter hot house in our backyard and plan to make it woodstove run and want to have a hottub. I have heard we can even have kiwis in there(the fruit not the New Zealanders(not that we would not have New Zealanders over because they are lovely)) so they are grapes will be inside. Winter indoor wine from our very own hippie compound! Am loving the chick and bee books, coop buiding today, trying to get a couple of used hives too even though you said not such a great idea.
I need to build something to keep the birds off of my bulebettries and blackberries.
CHicken Coop!
This book looks incredible, and the cover art is awesome!
This spring/summer I'm determined to create an outdoor potting station and a large harvest table & benches for outdoor dining.
Fingers crossed!
Howdy neighbor! I just found your blog via Ashley at Hither and Tither. I live in Asheville and I am in the process of reclaiming my large yard. By this time next year I hope to have a few chickens, a couple of goats and a bookshelf or two made from the wormy chestnut I pulled off my house. I look forward to following your lead!
The house I'm (hopefully!) moving into has an old chicken coop. I'll definitely need to fix it up to make it servicable again.
this would be a "win" for small projects now...and big ones when i really do get a sweet little spot of land one day to do it proper. for now...building small raised gardens & around the house projects. thank you, ashley!
I would love to build shelves for my kitchen and laundry room. My little cottage has no pantry and this would simplify where to put my home canned goodies!
I've been meaning to make a moveable cold frame on wheels for our apartment that can also be placed out on the balcony to harden of the seedlings or when it starts to get warmer out.
So many projects to list! We've been and will continue to terrace our backyard hillside for years to come. We'd like to build an outdoor shower, a pool and a hot-tub. Eventually we'd like to put in a well as we suspect there's water to be found on our property. Our garden continues to thrive and we continue to add fruit trees. Our biggest project to come is building an addition to our small home so that we can accommodate our growing family.
Just bought our first home, and are currently working on building/fixing many things. Just put in new windows, currently experimenting with cabinets for the garage before we make them for the kitchen, built a loft in the garage for storage, and hopefully constructing a little fence in our front yard...The list goes on!
Recently built raised vegetable beds but plan to soon make a sandbox for our 18 month old! The book looks great!
My husband and I are using refurbished rock from a driveway's edging to construct a sturdier and permanent mailbox tower!
My Papa and I are planning to build an outdoor pottery wheel and oven. We both have dreams of making sets of dinnerware for family and friends...
My husband wants to build a new greenhouse - our hoop houses are too low, he's tired of stooping!
I'm interested in learning about composting toilets.
I would love love LOVE to build a tree house for my son. When I was young, I used to draw "blueprints" for my dream treehouse. I would probably need to eliminate the slide that led to a secret room underground...
A greenhouse.
I'd love nothing more than to convert my old shed to a decked out chicken chateau
I'd like to build some shelves for our shed.
I don't even know where to start. A greenhouse and a rabbit hutch and a beehive and a chicken coop and a patio and an outdoor stone oven. All of it! I also love the planning and the wishing part of it all, so a book like this would be great for that.
my building project(s)include an outdoor dining table and benches made from wood I have found in an old barn on our property, a tree house for my boys, more raised garden beds, a few retaining walls, and a deck that overlooks the little river running through our backyard...to start.
I am a building novice; it runs in the genes. Suffice it to say that my father, if given the chance, would jerry-rig the toilet flusher to start the car from the house. Anything is possible in his world. I am surprised I even know what a hammer is...
But I have dreams of building a chicken coop, bookshelves, a rocking chair, a compost bin, and more.
red.oak.cottage (at) gmail (dot) com
I'm going to say, I need help with everything. So I really need to win this book!
I would love to work on creating a small herb garden to sit on my very tiny back porch since I don't have a garden but love using fresh herbs when cooking. Also, I want to take an old table that broke and refurbish it. Summer is a great time for projects!
I would work with my nonprofit co-workers at Wild Willow Farm (www.sandiegoroots.org) to build a pizza oven for our community potlucks. Thank you!
Next year the husband and I are planning to move back to the Berkshires and try our had at house building! But untill then I have to be satisified with container gardening and other small projects in the city.
I want to build garden boxes for my backyard patio. I have no space for a garden, but who knows what I can grow in a container! :-)
We are about to do a backyard redo that includes a shed, re-vamping a deck, a few raised beds, a fence and who knows what else.
Looks like a great book, thank you for this contest!
Besides all the reno work on the inside of our old farmhouse, we're putting a new roof on our barn this summer, and building a pergola in the footprint of an old outbuilding that collapsed under winter's snow.
Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway!
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