Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Golden Splendor

This maple is the one of the last to turn. It's a welcome sight, given that all the other trees have cast off their leaves in shameless abandonment. I can see it from the kitchen window, where I sit writing, a mug of hot chai in hand, wood stove a 'blazing, a sleek black kitty to my right. 
Happy Tuesday, everyone!


tigress said...

wow! what a lovely view you have! :)

Conny said...

Agreed. Perfecto! Most relaxing view I've had all day. Thanks :>)

Anonymous said...

What a magnificant site!

knitjoyy said...

my entire balcony--in busy noisy Arlington, VA--turns to gold in the fall with our gorgeous tree right outside. it really is majestic, so glad you can appreciate yours as well!

Jenna Woginrich said...

I miss the sunny, sunny south. Here in Vermont all the trees are leafless -- they want snow tonight!